Need a Teamwork Repair Kit?
You’ve come to the right place. Whether you want the DIY or the VIP option, we’re here to help you build teams that work together.
Teamwork? Nope. It’s All About ME…
A study by HBR found that 75% of cross-functional teams are DYSFUNCTIONAL.
Two Rutgers University studies showed that bad leaders & bad habits corrupt the whole organization.
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.
~Michael Jordan
Teamwork Repair Kit – Let’s Build a Better Team
We have developed proprietary assessment to help you identify strengths and gaps in communication skills.
Lessons from Experts
Our experts have been there, done that. And we are here sharing what we’ve learned so that you can build new skills.
If you don’t know where you’re going or how to get there, how will you know if you’ve arrived? Take a chartered path.
Handy little guides are made available to you to offer quick reference as you’re building new skills.
Why start from scratch? Use the templates that we’ve designed to simplify what you do and how you do it.
Measure how your skills are developing and watch how you grow.
Teambuilding is not easy – even for seasoned leaders. Workplace dynamics have shifted dramatically since the pandemic started.
And that is making it more challenging for people to get along and work together to deliver whatever shared goals they have.
Not so simple. But we do have a solution.
Our DIY Toolkit guides you every step of the way. Our VIP version keeps the steering wheel in our hands: let us take you on the path to better teamwork.